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Can I create an audience (group) for text (SMS) messaging (using a hashtag or keyword)? 🎞️

TextIn creates many types of customer segments (audience, group) by default. However, you can also create your own segment. Here is how it works.

Create Text Hashtag Campaign

  1. Create a Text Hashtag campaign
  2. Provide your hashtag
  3. Write a short text message to send a text (SMS) message to acknowledge the use of the hashtag. DO NOT include the hashtag in the acknowledgement.
  4. Save and Activate the campaign

Publish Hashtag

  1. Publish your hashtag with your business SMS# on social media, website, print, etc. (e.g. "Text #yourhashtag to <your business sms#>")
  2. Generate QR code for the hashtag

As your audience starts sending the hashtag, TextIn builds the segment associated with your hashtag. TextIn acknowledges each incoming message with your short text message automatically. 

See also:


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